Mindful Beauty

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Collagen Supplements Don’t Work, But Here Are Some Anti-aging Alternatives That Do:

photo via earth911.com


Collagen is a main protein found in connective tissues. It helps keep the skin firm, plump and youthful looking.


We can’t create new collagen in the body or replace depleting collagen levels by consuming collagen itself. Collagen doesn’t make collagen. The building blocks of protein are amino acids, while minerals (like silica) and antioxidants work to support and protect collagen. Collagen supplements are inferior because they don’t address the true cause of premature aging. The more toxic and overburdened your liver is, the more likely you are to develop wrinkles, discoloration, loss of elasticity and other characteristics typically associated with aging. As your liver slowly loses its vitality so does your skin.

When considering a collagen supplement, you might be interested to know that they are synthesized from heavily processed discarded, ground up animal by-products such as cartilage, skin, bones and connective tissue from cows, pigs, and fish. Collagen supplements also typically contain additives such as color, flavoring, and possible heavy metal exposures. Global market sales for collagen supplements is estimated at a whopping US$564.4 Million in the year 2020, and projected to reach a size of US$822.9 Million by 2027.

Collagen itself cannot be absorbed unless it is broken down into smaller amino acids. Collagen peptide supplements, also known as hydrolyzed collagen are components of collagen that are broken down in attempt to fix this problem. Peptides are chains of amino acids. The cows are eating plants and consuming bioavailable amino acids to form their protein and collagen, then we are taking the by-products of the cow, paying triple the price for a glorified protein powder, while possibly getting exposed to potential solvents used in processing, heavy metals, flavorings and additives.


Fruit is an incredible source of the core elements essential for collagen formation and protection, making it a powerhouse for your skin and overall health. The minerals in fruit act as transporters and co-factors, facilitating the interaction between oxygen and cells, which is crucial for protein and collagen synthesis. Glucose from fruit provides the energy needed to support these processes, ensuring that your body has the fuel to create and maintain collagen. The amino acids found in fruit are the building blocks of protein, directly contributing to collagen formation. Additionally, the rich antioxidants in fruit protect your cells from free radical damage and cellular death, safeguarding the collagen you have and promoting a healthy, resilient complexion. Fruit truly is nature’s perfect package for nurturing your body from the inside out.

Minerals act as transporters and co-factors to protein/collagen formation and facilitating the interaction between oxygen and cells.

Glucose provides the energy necessary to support the process involved in protein synthesis.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein/collagen.

Antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage and cellular death.


Your liver is everything when it comes to self preservation. Early signs of aging are signals that the liver is losing its strength to keep us young. The very chemical function that our livers possess to keep our cells from dying is the same antioxidant chemical compound that keeps our DNA from becoming weakened or frayed. After long-term sluggishness or even abuse, the liver will desperately direct its resources to protecting aspects of your physical self and keeping you alive. When we do anything to support our DNA, we are without realizing it supporting our liver, giving it those snippets of rejuvenation. Our DNA will show improvement, in truth, because we supported the liver. — Anthony William, Medical Medium.

Our skin is in a constant state of repair and renewal, but if the blood and lymph are clogged with toxic sludge overflowing from the liver your skin is going to be deprived of essential oxygen and nutrients needed for this repair and renewal process. There are many trends and misconceptions about what it takes to support the skin’s vitality, for example, caffeine is also known to disrupt collagen formation, yet nearly everyone on social media is adding collagen powder to coffee every morning by the spoonful so it can be confusing to know how to support a youthful glow from within.

Keep reading below to discover some of my favorite collagen supplement alternatives to try instead:

Silica is an effective essential beauty mineral well known for its anti wrinkle and anti aging properties due to its ability to help form collagen and repair damaged and skin elasticity along with a healing diet. Examples of silica rich foods include: asparagus, leafy greens, dandelion, melons and cucumbers.

has a high silica content and helps to support the body through times of stress, I’m sure you’ve heard or experienced how physically aging stress can be which makes nettle perfect for balancing and soothing overworked and overfatigued adrenal glands. Silica + adrenal support = anti-aging powerhouse.

Vitamin C helps the formation of collagen, cleanse the liver, blood and lymph, strengthen the adrenal glands and help the body detoxify properly. Consume vitamin C from foods like kiwi, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines and rosehips.

Wild Blueberries
contain the highest proportion of antioxidants of any food on the planet. Wild blueberries have the ability to detox heavy metals and are also the most powerful brain food in existence, the most potent prebiotic there is, and a star at restoring the liver. Did you know that if wild blueberry plants are burned to the ground, they will still come back stronger than ever? You can find frozen wild blueberries all year round that are perfect for smoothies as well as wild blueberry juice and enjoy them fresh while they’re locally in season.

Celery/Cucumber Juice both have high silica content and the ability to expel sludge and toxins from the liver, lymph, and skin. Best to enjoy first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 15 minutes following lime/lemon water.

Pink Pitaya is known as the fountain of youth fruit because it rejuvenates and brings cells back to life. It slows down and stops liver aging, which in turn will slow down aging of the skin. You can find dehydrated pink pitaya powders you can easily add to smoothies, as well as frozen, or fresh depending on where you live.

Schisandra berries support clear, glowing and youthful skin and also help balance stress hormones.

Rosehips contain silica and bioavailable vitamin C and are a great way to consume the benefits of both.

MSM Is known to prevent cross linking in collagen (natural process in scar formation) and help to rebuild tissues. This supplement is praised for its hair, skin, and nail benefits.

L-Lysine is essential for the production of collagen & Elastin. This incredible amino acid is way more than just an essential building block for protein. L-Lysine is known to support a healthy immune system, and supports the growth and quality of skin, bones and tissue.


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